For Myself

To allow our professionals to provide you with the finest drug addiction treatment services, you will need to be completely open and honest with us. If we don’t know how you need help, then we won’t be able to help you in any meaningful way. It is absolutely imperative that we don’t just get to know you, but ask you personal and intimate details about your mental health and your relationship with drugs and alcohol.
A Loved One

In addition, your fellow clients will not be willing to help you if they believe you are not dedicated to the treatment. If the clients think they will be wasting their time by helping you, then they won’t be very motivated to.
A Staff Member

This level of honesty is also tied to the environment of community we look to cultivate in our drug rehab centers. The atmosphere we look to foster is without judgment or shame. It is caring and supportive. It is insightful and kind.
The Treatment we Cover
2 Jan

We can only achieve this level of communal trust and support if everyone in the addiction treatment facility is dedicated to being completely open and honest.
24 Dec

We need everyone to trust each other to break down barriers and provide the kind of addiction treatment that everyone addicted to a drug needs to overcome their physical dependence and mental complications.
9 Mar

Another vital aspect of drug addiction treatment is dual diagnosis mental health treatment. The fact is nearly half of people struggling with addiction also labor through and struggle with an additional uncovered mental illness that is exacerbating and contributing to the addiction.
Life Skills
Family Therapy
Sober Living
Individualized Treatment
To fully liberate someone addicted to drugs, we need screen for an underlying causes. With the root cause of the addiction addressed properly, whether it’s a dual diagnosis mental health disorder or a personal trauma, we will be able to better treat you with the insight and compassion you deserve.